Holiday Advice 2020

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Holiday Advice 2020

It’s holiday time again!!  So many plans, expectations, and excitement to manage.  Halloween has already passed kicking off the feasting season.  Enjoy, all societies around the world have these types of celebrations but this is not a license to overeat for two months.   You can plan to have a couple of days when you know you are going to be joining the revelry and overindulging but as you are cooking these fabulous feasts for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, etc. don’t put your health on the back burner.    Here are a few suggestions that may help. 

Leading up to the feast keep making healthy choices so you will feel better when it comes time to celebrate.  Plan on enjoying the rich flavors you have been missing with your friends and relatives but, keep the holiday to just that day.  Have that dessert or dish you have been looking forward to but don’t go overboard and make sure there are plenty of good choices on the table too.  It’s so common when we have “cheated” on our diets to throw in the towel and go right back to the bad choices we were making before.  Remember, this time it’s in the plan, so don’t feel guilty or as you have failed afterward, just go back to your healthy choices the next day.  When you do this you will feel a sense of pride for having kept to your plan.  Take a break from the scale for a few days after the holiday so you can see that the one feast day did not derail all the progress you have made.  You can do this!

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