Life Chiropractic

August 17, 2018
Pain Treatment

Pain relief, learn how you can ACT now!

ACT or “Acoustic Compression Therapy” is a new and exciting way to find and treat joint pain caused by . Check out these new videos to learn more about how it works and how we use it here at Life Chiropractic PSL. ACT now at Life Chiropractic PSL ACT in Action at Life Chiropractic PSL
February 17, 2015

New Technology Helps Relieve Pain

PORT ST. LUCIE, FL – Dr. Marty Rukeyser, a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist is excited to announce the first Acoustic Compression Therapy technology on the Treasure Coast is now available at Life Chiropractic. The PiezoWave machine uses focused sound waves to treat the areas of pain. It is extremely effective in treating pain caused by joint injury or inflammation even in chronic conditions that have failed other types of treatment. “We have used the new technology successfully to treat conditions in the neck, spine, shoulders, elbows, wrists, ankles, knees and hips,” stated Dr. Marty Rukeyser. This new system uses the same technology that is used in breaking up kidney stones. By creating a sound wave that can be focused inside tendons, ligaments, cartilage, muscle or bone, our system […]