August 17, 2018

Paleo Diet Review

Fad diets come and go. Once upon a time it was no fat, then no carb, you’re eating too much, you’re eating too little, you’re eating at the wrong time… Most recently we are hearing about the Paleo diet. I find this one interesting because in its general sense it agrees with advice I have been giving about nutrition for many years. There is no one magic diet for everyone. People have different genetics and different lifestyles and experiences that make certain foods better for some and worse for others. One thing I CAN say with full confidence, that people should be eating food! I know that sounds funny (what else would we eat?!?) but what I mean is that foods are things that grow out of the […]
January 5, 2015
Gluten Free

To gluten or not to gluten, that is the question

  Gluten free products are advertised more and more as a healthy alternative but most people don’t understand what gluten is or if they should be worried about it.  Gluten is a protein found in healthy foods like wheat, barley, rye, and wheat varieties like spelt, kamut, farro and durum, plus products like bulgar and semolina.  In addition to being in breads and pastas gluten is used in many packaged foods, soups and sauces as a filler or as a thickening agent.  Checking the labels on processed foods is the only way to find ingredients that contain gluten.  Look for the grains mentioned above plus:  brewer’s yeast, oats, and malt.  Oats don’t contain gluten but are most often contaminated with it by being processed on the same equipment […]